What is the Purezone™ AOS automatic spa sanitising system?

Looking for a reliable, low-chemical way to keep your spa pool water clean, clear, and safe? Keep reading to learn why the Purezone™ AOS water care system could be a worthwhile investment.

Couple on a Vortex Hydrozone swim spa

Maintaining pristine, clear, and safe water is crucial for any spa pool owner. Several spa pool treatment options are available, from manually adding chemical sanitisers to using automatic water care systems.

In this article, you’ll learn about one system that makes spa maintenance even easier – Purezone™ AOS automatic sanitising system. Keep reading to learn what it is and its pros and cons, so you can decide whether or not it’s worth it.

What is the Purezone™ AOS spa sanitising system?

Purezone™ AOS™ (or Advanced Oxidation System), is an automatic sanitising system designed for swim spas and spa pools. It combines UV and Ozone technologies to purify and clarify for crystal clear, safe spa water and easy water maintenance.

Purezone™ AOS is part of the Vortex Spas™ Purezone™ Water Care System that includes the Purezone™ Filtration System. It is available from 2023 on Vortex™ Spas and Swim Spas.

Compared to traditional chlorine-based water treatments, advanced oxidation systems such as Purezone™ AOS, are often more effective at removing stubborn contaminants and require less maintenance.

Please note: The Purezone™ AOS system does not remove the need for APVMA-approved sanitiser. You will still need to use some sanitisers, but it should be much less than if you did not have an AOS system.

Keep reading to learn more about this revolutionary system and how it keeps spa water safe and crystal-clear.

How does Purezone™ AOS work in a spa or swim spa?

The Purezone™ AOS system combined with the Purezone™ filtration system is one of the most effective automatic water care systems on the market.

The Purezone™ AOS water care system consists of a series of components, including:

  • an Ozone generator that produces the oxidant
  • a UV light Chamber where the oxidant and UV Light are combined to form the hydroxyl radicals

A combined ozone and UV system is more effective at sanitising spa pool water than using Ozone or UV light alone. This is because both technologies work together, enhancing each other’s strengths, to achieve a higher level of water disinfection and purification.

One key benefit of this combination is when ozone and UV light are used in a spa pool, they create hydroxyl radicals, which are very powerful at cleaning the water.

Overall, a combination UV and ozone sanitising system such as Purezone™ AOS, can provide a reliable, low-chemical way to keep spa pool water clean, clear, and safe for users.

What are hydroxly radicals?

Hydroxyl radicals are highly reactive molecules that play a crucial role in advanced water treatment processes.

As mentioned above, when ozone and UV light are used together in a spa pool, they create hydroxyl radicals, which are very powerful at cleaning the water.

Hydroxyl radicals are known for their powerful oxidizing properties, which make them extremely effective in breaking down a wide range of contaminants, including organic pollutants, bacteria, viruses, and chemical compounds.

In fact, these radicals can break down organic contaminants in the water more effectively than just using ozone or UV alone, helping keep spa pool water clean and safe to use by attacking and removing harmful substances.

How much does the Vortex™ Purezone™ AOS™ system cost?

Purezone™ AOS™ is only available on Vortex™ Spas and Swim Spas. At the time of writing, it cost about $1,000. Check the latest prices with Spa World, the exclusive distributor of Vortex Spas™ in Australia and New Zealand.

What are the pros and cons of the Purezone™ AOS system?

Are you considering purchasing a spa pool or swim spa with Purezone™ AOS? Before you commit, it pays to know the pros and cons to be sure this system is right for you.

Purezone™ AOS Pros

  • Low maintenance. The Purezone™ system is easy to use and requires minimal effort, so it’s a great choice for busy people looking to keep their spa pool or swim spa in top condition.
  • Save on sanitiser Costs. Because you use less chemical sanitiser with this product you save on chemical expenses.
  • Enhanced Water Clarity. This revolutionary system is designed to leave you with safe, crystal-clear water.

Purezone™ AOS Cons

  • Initial Investment. The Purezone™ AOS system cost about $1000 at the time of writing. It is an extra cost, however in our experience, the long-term benefits and cost savings outweigh the initial expense.
  • Compatibility. Purezone™ AOS is currently only available with Vortex™ spas and swim spas.

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In summary

Overall, The Purezone™ AOS water system can provide a reliable, low-chemical way to keep your spa pool water clean, clear, and safe.

Purezone™ AOS not only helps to ensure water safety in your spa or swim spa, but it can also reduce the amount of sanitiser you need to use.

Purezone™ AOS is easy to use and requires minimal effort, making it a great choice for busy people looking to keep their spa pool or swim spa in top condition.

The top two benefits of Purezone™ AOS are:

  • Better water quality. It reduces harmful bacteria and pathogens, making it safer for swimmers to enjoy the spa.
  • You use less chlorine. Using the Purezone™ AOS system helps reduce the sanitiser needed to sanitise the water, resulting in a more pleasant swimming environment that won't be harsh on the skin and eyes.

You will still need to use some sanitisers however, it will be a lot less than if you did not have a Purezone™AOS system. Whatever system you’re using, always follow the recommended dosing instructions on the sanitiser label to maintain an adequate level of residual chlorine.

If you’re thinking about buying a spa pool or want to find out more about the Purezone™ AOS system, click on the links in the description below - or visit your local Spa World showroom. We would love to see you!

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